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Library Podcasting Resources

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years ago

These resources provide information about podcasting in the library world.


Articles (linked articles freely available online)


*Abram, Stephen. "The Proof Is In The Podding". MultiMedia & Internet@Schools. 13.3 (May/ June 2006):22-24.

*Balas, Jane. "Blogging Is So Last Year-Now Podcasting is Hot". Computers In Libraries. 25.10 (Nov/Dec 2005): 29-31.

*Brooks-Kirkland, Anita. "Podcasting For Learning". School Libraries In Canada. 25.4 (2006): 44-8.

*"Creating Communities with Podcasting." Computers in Libraries xx.x (2008):

*Eash, Esther K. "Podcasting 101 For K-12 Librarians". Computers In Libraries. 26.4 (Apr. 2006): 16-20.

*Farkas, Meredith. "An Outlet For Creativity: Plugging In With A Teen-Centered Podcast". American Libraries. 38.3 (2007): 28.

*Farkas, Meredith. "Podcasting". TechEssence.Info. February 28, 2007.

*Fontichiaro, Kristin. "Podcasting 101". School Library Media Activities Monthly. 23.7 (2007): 23-23.

*Gordon-Murnane, Laura. "Saying I Do To Podcasting". Searcher. 13.6 (June 2005):44-51.

*Griffey, Jason. "Podcast 1,2,3." Library Journal. xx.x (June 2007):

*Kraft, Michelle. "Integrating and Promoting Medical Podcasts into the Library Collection". Medical Reference Services Quarterly. 26.1 (2007): 27-35.

*Lamb, Annette and Larry Johnson. "Podcasting in the school library, part 1: integrating Podcasts and vodcasts into teaching and learning". Teacher Librarian. 34.3 (2007): 54-7.

*"Library Meets Politicain In Podcast". Library Journal. 132.4  (2007): 13.

*Notess, Greg R. "Casting The Net: Podcasting and Screencasting". Online. 29.6 (Nov/ Dec 2005):43-45.

*Ragon, Bart and Ryan P. Looney. "Podcasting at the University of Virginia Claude Moore Health Sciences Library". Medical Reference Services Quarterly. 26.1 (2007): 17-26.

*Richardson, Will. "Making Waves". School Library Journal. 52.10 (2006): 54-6.

*Sampson, Jo Ann. "Launching into the Podcast/Vodcast Universe". Computers In Libraries. 26.10 (Nov/Dec 2006): 10-15.

*Stephens, Michael. "All About Podcasting". Library Media Connection. 25.5 (2007): 54-7.

*Stephens, Michael. "The iPod Experiments". Library Journal netConnect.130 (Spring 2005):.

*Stephens, Michael. "Libraries Get Podcasting". Library Journal netConnect.130 (Spring 2005):24.

*Worcester, Lea and Evelyn Barker. "Podcasting: Exploring the Possibilities for Academic Libraries". College & Undergraduate Libraries. 13.3 (2006): 87-91.


Podcasting Libraries

Library Success Wiki: Podcasting



Drew, Christine. Audio To Go - Podcasting @ WPI (pdf). Cool Tools and New Technologies: Dartmouth Biomedical Libraries October Conference. 10/27/06.

Free, David. Listen Up! Podcasting @ GPC Decatur Library. Internet Librarian 2006. 10/24/06.

Kertz, Chris. Learning to Speak: Creating a Library Podcast With a Unique Voice. HigherEd BlogCon 2006.

King, David Lee. Introduction To Videoblogging (pdf). Internet Librarian 2006. 10/24/06.

Schwartz, Greg. A Beginner's Guide to Podcasting: Part 1 - A Consumer's Guide . SirsiDynix Institute. 5/17/06.

Schwartz, Greg. A Beginner's Guide to Podcasting: Part 2 - A Creator's Guide. SirsiDynix Institute. 5/24/06.


Training Materials (samples of podcasting training materials from various libraries)

San Mateo (CA) County Library Guide To Podcasting (Word Document)*

How To Record A Podcast (San Mateo County Library - Word Document)*

Legal, Copyright, and Podsafe Content Issues (San Mateo County Library - Word Document)*


*Feel free to use and modify with attribution to Sarah Houghton-Jan and the San Mateo (CA) County Library.


Web Resources

David Lee King- LIS blog with heavy podcasting/ videocasting content

David's Random Stuff- LIS blog with heavy podcasting content

LibCasting - LIS blog covering screencasting and related topics.

Open Stacks- LIS blog with heavy podcasting content. (2/19/07 - no longer very active but a great archive of podcasting content!)

Podcasting @ Educause

Thompson-Peterson's Edufeeds - Podcasts

Thompson-Peterson's Syndication for Higher Ed


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